想凭小聪明一夜翻身的穷小子陆飞(彭昱畅 饰)欠下赌场老板秦海沛(姚橹 饰)巨额赌债,走投无路之际遇上正离家出走的债主女儿秦晓垚(胡冰卿 饰),一场“假绑架,真骗局”的危险游戏正式开启。赌桌之上,谁能笑到最后?
It’s now 1955 and Chief Inspector Sullivan and Mrs Devine have grown closer since we saw them last – something that hasn’t escaped the notice of Father Brown and Brenda. With a food fayre to die for, a real-life crime at a crime writing festival and a village rivalry that turns deadly, there’s plenty for the gang to be busy with. And when his old friend Sister Boniface is implicated in a murder at an arts and craft fair, Father Brown must prove her innocence – before it’s too late.